Revolutionizing Resident Loyalty: Where Multifamily Meets Consumerism.

Empower your multifamily brand with Rewardzar, where resident loyalty meets the consumer experience. Elevate your tenant relationships and amplify your brand recognition like never before. Powered by Rewardzar.

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Trusted by property owners & managers around the country.

Why landlords & property managers choose Rewardzar?

Tenant Loyalty, The Key to Sustainable Property Success

Discover a tenant loyalty solution that translates to enhanced property performance and higher tenant satisfaction.

Optimized Property Performance

Rewardzar seamlessly combines reduced tenant turnover, increased long-term residency, and a higher caliber of tenants. This trifecta enhances your property's performance, ultimately boosting your bottom line.

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Force Multiplier for On-Site Staff

Rewardzar acts as a force multiplier for on-site staff. It provides them with tools to effectively manage tenant interactions and encourages tenants to follow community guidelines. This, in turn, reduces the workload and stress on on-site staff, allowing them to focus on other important aspects of their roles.

Enhanced Tenant Satisfaction & Engagement

By providing tenants with a range of sought-after benefits, Rewardzar significantly enhances tenant satisfaction. Tenants feel valued and appreciated when they receive rewards and incentives tailored to their preferences. This positive experience leads to increased tenant engagement, as they actively participate in loyalty programs and take advantage of the rewards offered.

Improved Property Reputation

A tenant loyalty program like Rewardzar can elevate your property's reputation. Word of mouth spreads about the fantastic benefits and rewards offered, attracting prospective tenants who seek high-quality living experiences.


Features to Empower Your Property Management Business.

Unlock a new level of tenant satisfaction and property performance. Rewardzar offers innovative tools and benefits tailored for landlords and property managers. Elevate tenant experiences, reduce turnover, and boost your bottom line.

Let’s take property performance to the next level.

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Integrated with the tools you know and love

Once signing up we work with you to integrate your property management software with Rewardzar. Tools we are actively working to integrate with.


Don't take it from us.

What are our customers saying?

“Up until now, we haven’t had anything to reward our best tenants. Rewardzar has helped us achieve this by giving something of value to the tenants. It feels great knowing we have an extra tool in our belt to build tenant loyalty and help us collect rent. I’d highly recommend Rewardzar.“

Hebbronville Apartments Owner/Operator

“This is going to be a great and fun way for our tenants to earn points. Just knowing that they are getting cash back to use for online purchases is definitely going to motivate them to pay rent on time. Being able to build a better relationship with our tenants is always a plus and it opens doors of opportunity to communicate more. We want them to know we care and want to help them put money back into their pockets. We want our tenants to know that we want them to love where they live!!!“

Cottage Point Apartments

“I feel this is a great opportunity to help our current tenants.  It's easy and pretty simple. As a single mother of children, I feel that this is very beneficial when needing to cut costs in any way possible.  A great way to help build relationships with tenants to reflect that we understand that every penny helps. I think this is a great program to represent that.“

Onward Property Management

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